
community organizer meaning in English



  1. Affiliated facilitators practice in diverse roles which include managers , project leaders , instructors , mediators , attorneys , professors , care providers , therapists , community organizers , directors , executives , human resource professionals , independent consultants , peace workers , psychologists , process engineers and many other roles that require human development and group decision making
  2. 3 . there exists community organizer during the process of secondary foresrt birds community forming pied magpie is one of the community organizers in secondary forest , it mainly influences the raptors community structure , and influences large bird guilds that nesting on ground and cavity - nesting birds indirectly , thereby it influences the whole birds community structure
    3 、次生林鸟类群落结构形成中有群落组织者的存在喜鹊是次生林中的群落组织者之一,主要影响猛禽群落的形成猛禽群落组成的变化,又间接影响次生林中的营地面巢的大型鸟类和营洞巢的大型鸟类群落构成,从而对整个群落的组成产生影响。

Related Words

  1. personal organizer
  2. continuous community
  3. national community
  4. dynamic community
  5. vicariate community
  6. world community
  7. community planning
  8. community migration
  9. community powers
  10. pedagogical community
  11. community organization
  12. community organization and
  13. community oriented
  14. community oriented mutual economy
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